canne pittoresque

Interaktives Objekt | 2016
Zusammenarbeit mit René Müller
Schwarzer Spiegel, Selfie-Stick
Spazierstock-Halter, Messingschild, Werbetext (1887)
120 cm x 9 cm x 3 cm


«Claude Lorraine or Landscape Mirror. A pleasing and beautiful instrument for viewing clouds, landscapes, &c.; particularly adapted for use in country and the sea-shore. As the Mirror condenses or diminishes the view into a true perspective effect, the instrument is invaluable to the artist, and a very desirable companion for the tourist. The Mirror produces, instantaneously, the most charming reflection of scenery, buildings, etc.»


James W. Queen & Company: The Queen catalogues.
San Francisco 1887, S.175.